Thursday, June 7, 2007

TBS' House of Payne 'PAIN'!

Last night millions of viewers tuned in to watch the season premiere of TBS' Tyler Perry's House of Payne.

Yesterday, Tyler Perry talked to Ryan Cameron of V103 in Atlanta about the debut of his new show. Check out what he had to say here:

and here:

Now that we got all the promo talk out of the way, now let's talks about how 'pain'ful it was to watch the hour premiere of the show.

Yes, today I have already received countless emails from folks who tuned in last night and share my exact sentiments. This show is wack! The premiere was boring, not funny and could barely produce a chuckle. Not even a guest appearance from big screen favorite, Madea, could keep me awake during this snooze.

While Madea's big wit and even bigger persona works on the big screen it did absolutely nothing for my TV.

And according to Perry, TBS has already bought into 100 episodes of the show. And I am very curious as to why? Did the premiere of this same show on UPN a year ago along with its not-so-favorable reviews not enough to make TBS think harder about this deal? Perry also goes on to explain how while he has a team of writers, he was responsible for the story line of all 100 episodes. Well at least now we know exactly who is to blame for the show's no. 1 flaw.

Ultimately, good writing is what this show lacks. And with all the rave reviews (yes, this is a joke) that I am sure the show is getting today, these writers will be putting in some long hours to try and save this show.

Back to the drawing boards Guys!

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