So now that Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, Republicans are taking aim at him his wife, Michelle. WTF!
But Republicans aren't the only ones taking ridiculous shots at Michelle. Check out this clip taken from the Fox News Channel:
All I want to know is....
Why the are they referring to Michelle Obama as 'Obama's Baby Mama'?
This is exactly the kind of crap I was not looking forward to but I can't say I am surprised.
After listening to the news segment, I don't even know why Fox News even had that phrase on the screen. The segment had nothing to do with that.
Black people have tough skin and we are going to need it in these upcoming months because I am sure there is going to be countless racist moments like this ahead on this campaign trail.
To read more on this and on how Obama is leading McCain in a new poll click here.
I am surprised no one has gotten on how BUTCH Michelle is. She screams actress which is another word for thespian which rhymes with...
Didn't Michelle introduce her husband as "my baby daddy" when he won the Senate seat? If so, then what's wrong with Fox putting that on the screen?
IF she referred to her husband as her 'baby daddy' I think that is for her to do. If you listen to this news segment it has nothing to do with 'baby mama/daddy' name calling so my question is 'Why is that even on the screen during this news segment?'
Are we to expect that everytime the Michelle Obama is being talked about in the news she will be referred to as 'Obama's baby mama'?
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