Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Al Reynolds You Don't Care To Know?

Star Jones' ex-husband (to-be), Al Reynolds wants to you to get to know him.

Reynolds released three heavily edited and scripted clips of a self interview on youtube today for the sole purpose of letting you, America, get to know the real him.

Some quick highlights for the readers who can't watch videos at work. Reynolds says...
"There are days when i'm like, 'Wow.' I still wear my ring. It hasn't settled in yet. I still love her,"
"I am not a homosexual,....But the thing is, it's weird to me and really kind of upsetting to me that that's where people would go as it relates to my sexuality, because this has affected my professional life, this has affected my personal life, and if anyone knew the damage it has caused me, they would understand why I'm very aggressive about this."
"When you read about me in the paper, it's always as Star Jones' ex-husband. I want people to know that I'm more than just Star Jones' ex-husband. I'm Al Reynolds."

Here are the remaining clips:

On Star Jones

His True Passion

Ok. So we know what's next right? A Star Jones response will probably surface on the internet in 5....4...3....2.

To read more on this click [here].

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