Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Good: BET's Baldwin Hills

Yesterday I closed by saying this about BET's Baldwin Hills:

I dont know about this one. If done well (and thats a BIG if) it could be entertaining. But knowing BET...this too will suck!

Well I stand corrected.

Baldwin Hills premiered last night on BET with 2 back to back episodes and it was not bad. Not bad at all.

While the formula is identical to that of MTV's teen driven shows like Laguna Beach and The Hills, BET offered more than just giving the black audience a carbon copy of those shows.

In total there are 12 teens on the show but all are not from the swanky Baldwin Hills. Staci, my favorite thus far, for example lives below Baldwin Hills. And one can only assume there will be some clash to come in future episodes that will stem from this difference in zip code. But cleverly BET is showing that no matter how different black people may be due to class and upbringing when you remove all those layers we are all truly the

To catch the encore episode tune in tonight at 8:30 PM (ET/PT).

Stay tuned for Black on TV: The Bad.

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